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How To Apply For Assistance

Find out if you can be supported by SPCTF

Image by Markus Winkler

Who Can Benefit? 

To receive assistance your application must have one or more valid beneficiary


'Beneficiaries' are defined as all serving, retired or resigned members of the Hampshire Constabulary including Police Staff, PCSO's and Special Constables approved by the Committee and their spouse, partner or children.

What do we support?

SPCTF support a wide range of bids.

Examples of which can be found in the document below

Making an Application

Complete Application Form

Complete the application form to the best of your ability. The more detail provided the easier it is for the SPCTF Board to review the bid. If you require any assistance, there is a example application that can be found here. If you still require help or have further questions then please contact us and we will be happy to help.

Submit Application

Submit application for consideration at the next SPCTF Board meeting. Dates of which can be found here. For urgent applications please contact us in advance of submission.

Receive Grant

In most cases we make the decision at the next available meeting and as long as the application is supported by the Board and fits in with the SPCTF criteria, the administrator will contact you and arrange the cheque.

SPCTF Board Decisions

How your bid is considered

The board meets monthly and considers applications sent in advance of the meeting.

We review the information contained in the application form and consider if it meets the criteria for awarding funding, ensuring it is in line with the direction of the board against its strategic plan.

The criteria is set by the formal documentation that the board is bound by following its inauguration in 2001

 The application is then debated for all directors to take a view and discuss the application and ensure due diligence is applied. 

Some of the elements the board will consider are; the number of beneficiaries the request relates to, the purpose or reason for the event, the support offered to the same or similar group in the past, the amount of money asked for, the provenance of the event.  But it is a matter for the board to decide if a bid is to be accepted or declined.  Their decision is final.

Once a decision is reached the administrator for the board contacts the applicants and advises of the outcome. 

If monies are awarded then a cheque is sent to the applicant as soon as practicable.   


On the rare occasion the board has additional questions and queries, we may then delay a decision on an application or if it is time dependant make a provisional decision dependent upon the responses received by the applicant outside of the meeting. Applicants will be advised if this is the case.

It is not usual practice that an applicant will present their bid to the board personally, however this can be done for complex or multi-dimensional bids. 

When there are elements to a bid that need to be understood by the board we try and help applicants, and a sponsor director will be in touch with them to help get the information the board needs.  This again is rare but is an option open to the board.

We hope this gives you a bit more information about how the board operates and how you application will be handled

Contact Southampton Police Club Trust Fund (SPCTF)

Thanks for submitting!

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